Quality Policy

Instill and grow the Fujidenolo philosophy

Quality Policy

  1. As manufacturing professionals, we will meet customer demands and provide inspiring and good products to earn their trust.
  2. The greatest determinant of the productive capacity to produce good products is the quality of relationships.
  3. Based on this idea, we will establish firm rules to connect the baton of [quality] to our customers and continuously improve them.
  4. To improve the quality of human relations, all employees shall understand the QMS and quality policy, set specific achievement goals, and carry out synergistic activities under their own responsibility.

We are a manufacturing company, and our mission is to create and provide “products” that are needed in the world as public vessels of society, and to please customers who need them. To this end, we must demonstrate our abilities as professionals and provide services and products that impress our customers.

The quality of human relationships is important for delivering “good products” to customers. If we have a smooth exchange of information and relationships in which we can help each other, we will have the ability to efficiently produce good products (i.e., production power). To this end, we ensure that all employees are aware of their responsibilities and act accordingly with their own goals.

Environmental Philosophy

We strive for the coexistence of mankind and nature and for the permanent preservation of the global environment.

Environmental Management Policy

  1. Nurturing nature to improve the global environment
  2. Cultivate employees who care about the global environment
  3. Conduct energy- and resource-efficient production activities through automation and IT
  4. Develop environmentally friendly products
  5. Comply with environmental laws and regulations
  6. Establish environmental management targets and implement ongoing conservation activities

For products and technology inquiries, please contact us.